Visit our learning library Film and video Bible Old Testament Womanism Women Adults A Talk by the Revd Professor Wilda C. Gafney A talk by renowned biblical scholar and womanist theologian, the Reverend Professor Wilda C. Gafney on the story of Hannah and Peninnah in the Hebrew Bible. Remote video URL Also in this theme Film and video Unmaking Mary Chine McDonald deconstructs the myth of perfect motherhood in the light of 2,000 years of cultural depictions of the Virgin Mary. Find out more Written reflection New Year reflections with biblical women Catherine Okoronkwo looks through the lens of four biblical women to reflect on our faith, our purpose and our relationship with God, self and others. Find out more Film and video My Soul Glorifies the Lord: Jesus' female disciples Two Professors of the Early Church explore Jesus’, Paul’s and the early church’s attitude to women’s ministry and discipleship and say the evidence shows that women were integral to Jesus’ mission, Paul was positive about women’s ministry, and the early church was far more inclusive and radical than we thought. Find out more