Safeguarding at St Paul's

St Paul's Cathedral takes safeguarding very seriously. We are committed to protecting the welfare of children and of all adults who are vulnerable – whether that be our worshippers, visitors, clergy, staff or volunteers.
The Cathedral Safeguarding Lead is The Reverend Canon Dr Catherine Okoronkwo, Canon Steward and a member of the Cathedral's Governing Body.
How to report a safeguarding concern
There are lots of ways to report a safeguarding concern, and the information you pass to us when reporting is kept private. However, if we need to do so to keep a child or vulnerable adult safe, we may share relevant information with statutory agencies, the Diocese of London, or other Cathedrals. St Paul's Cathedral electronically stores safeguarding reports in a secure database in line with data protection legislation.
In person
If you are in the Cathedral or on its grounds and you or someone you know is at risk of abuse, harm, neglect or exploitation, please find a Minister or a Virger. In the unlikely event of your not being able to find a Minister or a Virger, please approach any member of staff, who will find someone to help you. Similarly, if you witness an event you find worrying whilst in the Cathedral, please make a member of our staff aware as soon as possible.
By email
If you are not in the Cathedral, or if you would prefer to communicate your concerns in writing, please complete our Safeguarding Reporting Form with as much information as possible and email it to
By phone
During working hours, please phone our Reception on 020 7246 8350 and say that you would like to speak to someone about a safeguarding concern, or that you or someone else needs help. You will be put through to our Chaplain, another Minister, or our Safeguarding Advisor. If they are not immediately available, someone will call you back.
Outside of working hours, the Christian safeguarding charity, 31:8, runs a free 24 hour helpline. You can contact them on 0303 003 1111. As with any emergency, call 999 if someone is at immediate risk.
Our safeguarding policy
The care and protection of children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in church activities is the responsibility of the whole church. The following safeguarding policy and its appendices outline how we will work to ensure this care and protection, and to promote a safer environment and working culture.
- St Paul’s Cathedral safeguarding policy
- Appendix I: Categories of abuse
- Appendix II: Terms of Reference for Safeguarding Advisory Group
- Appendix III: Memorandum of Understanding
- Appendix IV: Schools and Family Learning Operational and Safeguarding Procedures
- Appendix V: Music Department Safeguarding Procedures
- Appendix VI: Music Outreach Safeguarding Procedures
- 1031 Work experience risk assessment 17 yrs and under
- 1032 Work experience risk assessment vulnerable adults
- Appendix VIII: Lost children and vulnerable adults Safeguarding procedures
- Appendix VIIII: Safer Recruitment procedures
- Appendix X: Bell tower visiting choirs and events safeguarding procedures

Our safeguarding advisory group
The Safeguarding Advisory Group (SAG) works to ensure the highest standards of safeguarding are being met at the Cathedral. It reports directly to Chapter, and also has a responsibility to report to the Diocesan Safeguarding Team or the Local Authority in cases where a risk is not resolved at Cathedral-level. You can download a copy of the SAG’s terms of reference to learn more about their remit and purpose.
Safeguarding reports
The following annual reports are prepared by the independent chair of the Safeguarding Advisory Group (SAG) and demonstrate how well the Cathedral is performing its safeguarding activities.
- Independent Safeguarding Audit 2021
- SCIE Audit Action Plan June 2023
- St Paul's Cathedral Safeguarding Report 2023
- St Paul's Cathedral Safeguarding Report 2022
- St Paul's Cathedral Safeguarding Report 2021
Further support
If you would like further support, there are a wealth of different organisations who can provide advice and guidance, beyond the Cathedral. These include:
- Age UK: provides support and advice for older people 0800 678 1602 8am-7pm every day
- Childline: helpline for those 18yrs or younger 0800 1111 24hrs
- National Domestic Abuse Helpline: for women and children experiencing domestic violence and abuse. 0808 2000 247 24hrs
- Switchboard LGBT helpline: supports those who are LGBTQ+. 0345 330 3030 9am-9pm weekdays
- Respect Men's Advice Line: for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse. 0808 8010327 Mon-Fri 9am-8pm
- NAPAC: supports recovery from childhood abuse 0808 801 0331 10am-9pm Mon-Thurs; 10am to 6pm Fri
- NSPCC helpline: provides advice on child protection across a range of sectors. 0808 800 5000 8am-10pm Mon to Fri; 9am-6pm weekends
- Samaritans: for those who are struggling to cope, or having suicidal thoughts 116 123 24hrs a day