Leave a legacy
Leave a legacy

It was St Paul’s Cathedral’s legendary architect, Sir Christopher Wren, who himself foresaw the need for a 'perpetual growing fund' for St Paul’s.
You can help us to fulfil that vision by making provision in your will for a gift to the Cathedral, which needs your support today, tomorrow – and a long time into the future. Every amount, large or small, will make a real difference.
The Chapter of St Paul's will honour any restriction by you that your gift should be spent on either the Cathedral in general, or on a specific area of need, such as maintaining our building, supporting our music or preserving our collections.
No part of your gift will be deducted for administration costs, and money left to St Paul’s is exempt from Inheritance Tax.
To discuss leaving a legacy, please contact the Development team on development@stpaulscathedral.org.uk or on 0207 246 8333.