Visit our learning library Film and video Bible Mary Race Women Adults Unmaking Mary Chine McDonald deconstructs the myth of perfect motherhood in the light of 2,000 years of cultural depictions of the Virgin Mary. Remote video URL Also featuring this person Film and video God is Not a White Man Chine McDonald reflects on what happens when we face hard and painful truths about race, identity and the imago Dei - the idea that every human, no matter what their colour, has a special quality that resembles the divine beauty of God. Find out more Film and video #MeToo: Two Years On An all women panel asks whether the #MeToo movement has led to meaningful change in gender politics in business, culture and society. Find out more Film and video Power and Prophecy: Black and White Women in the Church Rosemarie Mallett, Chine McDonald, Lucy Winkett and Paula Gooder discuss what it means to say that women are made in the image of God. Raising issues of race and gender, power, prophetic voices, naming injustice, and where hope can be found. Find out more