Sources and abbreviations

The Wren Office Drawings
Sources and abbreviations
Burman 2004: Peter Burman, 'Decoration, furnishings and art since 1900', in Keene, Burns and Saint 2004, pp.258-68
Campbell and Bowles 2004: James W.P. Campbell and Robert Bowles, ‘The construction of the new cathedral’, in Keene, Burns and Saint 2004, pp.207–19
Campbell 2007: James W.P. Campbell, Building St Paul’s (London: Thames & Hudson, 2007)
Colvin 2008: Howard Colvin, A Biographical Dictionary of British Architects 1600–1840, Fourth Edition (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2008)
Downes 1988a: Kerry Downes, The Architecture of Wren (Reading: Redhedge, 1988)
Downes 1988b: Kerry Downes, Sir Christopher Wren: The Design of St Paul’s Cathedral (London: Trefoil Publications, 1988)
Downes 1979: Kerry Downes, Hawksmoor (London: Zwemmer, 1979; 1st edn 1959)
Downes 1994: Kerry Downes, ‘Sir Christopher Wren, Edward Woodroffe, J.H. Mansart, and architectural history’, Architectural History 37 (1994), pp.37–67
Du Prey 2000: Pierre de la Ruffinière du Prey, Hawksmoor’s London Churches: Architecture and Theology (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000)
Esterly 1998: David Esterly, Grinling Gibbons and the art of carving (London:V & A Publications, 1998)
Geraghty 2000: Anthony Geraghty, 'Nicholas Hawksmoor and the Wren City Church Steeples', The Georgian Group Journal, 10 (200), pp.1-14
Geraghty 2001: Anthony Geraghty, 'Edward Woodroofe: Sir Christopher Wren's first draughtsman', The Burlington Magazine, 143 (2001), pp.474-79.
Geraghty 2007: Anthony Geraghty, The Architectural Drawings of Sir Christopher Wren at All Souls College Oxford: A Complete Catalogue (Aldershot: Lund Humphries, 2007)
Geraghty 2011: Anthony Geraghty, 'Nicholas Hawksmoor's Drawing Technique og the 1690s and John Locke's Essay Concerning Human Understanding', in Helen Hills (ed.), Rethinking the Baroque (Farnham:Ashgate, 2011), pp.125-41
Gerbino and Johnston 2009: Anthony Gerbino and Stephen Johnston (eds), Compass & Rule: Architecture as Mathematical Practice in England (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2009)
GL MS: Guildhall Library, London: Manuscript collection
Hart and Hicks 1996: Vaughan Hart and Peter Hicks, Serlio on Architecture, Volume I: Books I-V of "Tutte l`opere d`architettura et prospetiva” (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1996)
Higgott 2004a: Gordon Higgott, ‘The Fabric to 1670’, in Keene, Burns and Saint 2004, pp.171–90
Higgott 2004b: Gordon Higgott, ‘The Revised Design for St Paul’s Cathedral, 1685–90: Wren, Hawksmoor and Les Invalides’, The Burlington Magazine, 146 (2004), pp.534–47
Higgott 2009: Gordon Higgott, ‘Geometry and Structure in the Dome of St Paul’s Cathedral’, in Gerbino and Johnston 2009, pp.155–69
Jacob 2004: W.M. Jacob, ‘History, 1714–1830’, in Keene, Burns and Saint 2004, pp.71–83
Jardine 2002: Lisa Jardine, On a Grander Scale: The Outstanding Career of Sir Christopher Wren (London: HarperCollins, 2002)
Keene, Burns and Saint 2004: Derek Keene, Arthur Burns and Andrew Saint, St Paul’s, The Cathedral Church of London 604–2004 (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2004)
Lang 1956: Jane Lang, Rebuilding St. Paul’s after the Great Fire of London (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1956)
Little 1975: Bryan Little, Sir Christopher Wren: A Historical Biography (Robert Hale: London, 1975)
McPhee 2002: Sarah McPhee, Bernini and the Bell Towers: Architecture and politics at the Vatican (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2002)
Miller 2000: John Miller, James II (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2000)
Morrogh 2010: Andrew Morrogh, ‘Guarino Guarini and Christopher Wren’, in M. Beltramini and C. Elam (eds), Some degree of happiness: Studi di storia dell’architettura in onore di Howard Burns(Pisa: Edizione della Normale, 2010), pp.507–30.
Newman 2004: ‘Fittings and Liturgy in Post-Fire St Paul’s’, in Keene, Burns and Saint 2004, pp.220–32
Parentalia 1750: Christopher Wren, Parentalia; or, Memoirs of the Familyof the Wrens (London, 1750; repr. Farnborough: Gregg Press Ltd, 1965)
Poley 1927: Arthur F. E. Poley, St Paul's Cathedral, Measured, Drawn and Described (London, 1927)
Roscoe 2009: Ingrid Roscoe, with Emma Hardy & M.G. Sullivan, A Biographical Dictionary of Sculptors in Britain 1660–1851 (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 2009)
Schofield 2011: John Schofield, St Paul’s Cathedral Before Wren (Swindon: English Heritage, 2011)
Sladen 2004: Teresa Sladen, ‘Embellishment and Decoration, 1696–1900’, in Keene, Burns and Saint 2004, pp.233–57
Stancliffe 2004: Martin Stancliffe, 'Conservation of the Fabric', in Keene Burns and Saint 2004, pp.293-303
Summerson 1953: John Summerson, Sir Christopher Wren (London: J.M. Dent, 1953)
Summerson 1961/1990: John Summerson, ‘The Penultimate Design for St Paul’s Cathedral’, The Burlington Magazine 103 (1961), pp.83–89; republished with slight changes and a postscript in John Summerson, The Unromantic Castle and other essays (London: Thames & Hudson, 1990), pp.81–103
Summerson 1990: John Summerson, ‘J.H. Mansart, Sir Christopher Wren and the dome of St Paul’s Cathedral’, The Burlington Magazine 132 (1990), pp.32–36
Summerson 1993: John Summerson, Architecture in Britain, 1530-1830, 9th edn, (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1993)
Whinney 1971: Margaret Whinney, Wren (London: Thames & Hudson, 1971)
Wren Society: The Wren Society, ed. A.T. Bolton and H.D. Henry, 20 vols (Oxford, 1924–43)