Visit our learning library Film and video City Feminism Gender Sexism Women Adults #MeToo: Two Years On An all women panel asks whether the #MeToo movement has led to meaningful change in gender politics in business, culture and society. Remote video URL Also in this theme Film and video Unmaking Mary Chine McDonald deconstructs the myth of perfect motherhood in the light of 2,000 years of cultural depictions of the Virgin Mary. Find out more Written reflection New Year reflections with biblical women Catherine Okoronkwo looks through the lens of four biblical women to reflect on our faith, our purpose and our relationship with God, self and others. Find out more Film and video Lower than the Angels: A History of Sex and Christianity Diarmaid MacCulloch tells a 3,000-year-long tale of Christians encountering sex, gender and family, from the Bible to the present day. Find out more