Visit our learning library Film and video Bible Holy Spirit Pentecost Adults The God Who Speaks: the Bible and the Holy Spirit Dr Paula Gooder and Dr Kate Coleman explore the Holy Spirit’s actions in the Bible and in the world today, and ask how we can attend to what the Spirit is doing in our own lives. Remote video URL Also in this theme Film and video Reading Genesis Marilynne Robinson and Paula Gooder explore the themes of Marilynne Robinson's book 'Reading Genesis'. Find out more Film and video A Talk by the Revd Professor Wilda C. Gafney A talk by renowned biblical scholar and womanist theologian, the Reverend Professor Wilda C. Gafney on the story of Hannah and Peninnah in the Hebrew Bible. Find out more Sermon United Guilds Service Sermon 2024 Sermon by the Dean, The Very Reverend Andrew Tremlett, at the United Guilds Service on 15th March 2024. Find out more