Ways to donate

Ways to donate
We receive no regular state funding to look after this iconic building.
Anything you are able to give is greatly appreciated.
It costs over £14 million each year to keep our doors open to welcome visitors and worshippers from all over the world.
Our visitor numbers and income continue to increase towards pre-pandemic levels. These help to cover our day-to-day running costs.
We need your help to preserve our nation’s Cathedral for all to enjoy.
Your donation will help us to:
• maintain our beautiful building and the art and historical objects housed within it
• continue to deliver our world-famous year-long programme of live music
• deliver a wide and diverse programme of learning

Make a general donation
If you simply want to support St Paul’s vital work and mission, then giving a monthly unrestricted donation is a wonderful way to do so. Your donation will be used where it’s needed most – from maintaining our building to ensuring we continue to offer an excellent programme of music.

Girls' Voices
Girls’ Voices will embed equal opportunities into music at St Paul’s Cathedral and create a new gold standard of excellence in Cathedral Music, as we welcome girl choristers into our Cathedral Choir.
We are currently fundraising for new world-class boarding accommodation, and the scholarship programme that will allow any child to become a chorister, whatever their background.
Support the music
Maintaining our world-class music is expensive. Fans can choose to give a monthly donation to sustain St Paul’s wonderful choir, organ and music outreach. You can also become a Music Patron, which gives priority access to our concerts and special performances.

Protect our building
St Paul’s is in need of constant care, with our hard-working Works department looking after its conservation. A monthly donation to our fabric fund will safeguard our precious building and our art and textiles.