Visit our learning library Film and video Easter Good Friday Holy Week Maundy Thursday The cross Adults Passion: A Good Holy Week Stephen Cottrell explores Holy Week from Palm Sunday to Good Friday, unpacking how the services illuminate the beauty and profundity of the Holy Week stories. Remote video URL Also in this theme Written reflection Conversations with the Risen Christ Tessa Bosworth reflects on conversations with Christ for Easter. Find out more Written reflection Music for Good Friday and Easter Singer Carris Jones writes about music that illuminates the mystery and meanings of Good Friday and Easter. Find out more Film and video Scandal and Glory: The Cross in the Bible and Poetry Paula Gooder and Mark Oakley explore the mystery, the glory and the scandal of the Cross. Through scripture and poetry, they open up something of what we might learn from it not only of sin and reconciliation but also of love and new life, of who Jesus really was, and also what it means to follow his call to take up our own cross. Find out more