Visit our learning library Film and video Black History Month Body of Christ Diversity Identity Race Sainthood Saints Adults Every Tribe: Saints in a Diverse World Sharon Prentis asks what a saint is, and what it means if the saints you see depicted in church don’t look like you. She explores ideas of sainthood and uncovers stories of holy, inspired and inspiring lives from all over the world. Remote video URL Also in this theme Film and video Unmaking Mary Chine McDonald deconstructs the myth of perfect motherhood in the light of 2,000 years of cultural depictions of the Virgin Mary. Find out more Film and video Martin Luther King Jr: History Maker Richard Reddie explores Dr Martin Luther King Jr's profound and subtle theology, philosophy and politics, and the challenge he leaves us to work for justice in our own time. Find out more Written reflection Remembering Martin Luther King Alexandra Drakeford reflects on the philosophy of Dr Martin Luther King Jr for Black History Month. Find out more