Become a Friend

Become a Friend
From just £50 a year, join the Friends and enjoy a much closer connection with St Paul’s – through priority access to special performances, exclusive Friends events, discounts and much more.
The Friends have a fascinating history of supporting and protecting the Cathedral.
When the raids on London began during the First World War, a group of volunteers who loved the Cathedral, risked their lives to protect the building from bombing. They formed the St Paul’s Fire Watch and patrolled the Cathedral every night during the war. They re-formed during the Second World War, inviting their friends and families to join them in protecting the Cathedral. Inspired by the friendships formed between the members of the Watch, the Friends of St Paul’s was formally founded on Tuesday 29th April 1952 with 84 members.
Today, the Friends are a unique community who come together to enjoy our music, heritage, art and spiritual learning – with some playing a crucial voluntary role in welcoming visitors and being Cathedral guides.
Annual Individual plus guest membership - £50
Annual Family membership - £80 (one named adult, one guest adult and up to four children up to the age of 17).
What are the benefits?
- Unlimited year-round admission to the Cathedral
- Fast track entry
- Priority access for selected ticketed events
- 10% discount in the Cathedral Shop.
- Cathedral news via our regular e-newsletter
Additional benefits for a family membership
- Cathedral family activities
- Invitations to Family Learning events

How do I join?
Payment to join the Friends of St Paul’s Cathedral can be made online, annually by direct debit or by telephone using a credit or debit card.
Once we have received your online or telephone payment, your membership will be activated immediately. You will receive a membership email which you can use to gain entry when visiting the Cathedral and a membership card will be posted within 14 days of joining. If you have chosen to pay by annual direct debit, please allow 14 days for your membership to be processed.
If you would prefer to apply via post, please write to:
Friends of St Pauls Cathedral,
The Chapter House, St Paul's Churchyard,
For further enquiries email or phone us on 020 3463 9435
Friends of St Paul’s Cathedral Registered Charity 261905
Patron: Her Royal Highness The Duchess of Gloucester KG GCVO
Joint Presidents: The Bishop of London, The Lord Mayor of London

How is my membership used?
Friends membership subscriptions provide a vital contribution towards the running of the Cathedral, including assisting with our world-class music provision, the conservation of our historic fabric, and our schools and family learning programme. As the Reverend Canon Jonathan Brewster says:
“To become a Friend of St Paul’s is to participate in this extraordinary place, to take care of an historic masterpiece and to come alive to something greater than yourself.”
Friends membership FAQ
Have a question about Friends membership?

The Friends Council
Meet the members of the Friends Council who act as Trustees for the Friends of St Paul's.
Minutes and reports
Below you will find the minutes and reports from the previous AGM meetings.