War and resistance in the Caribbean: The monuments at St Paul's War and resistance in the Caribbean: The monuments at St Paul's
Visit our learning library Film and video Goodness Martyrs Saints St Paul St Stephen Adults Sermon: St Stephen and St Paul Timothy Radcliffe OP preaches about the victory of goodness, and what happens to St Paul as he witnesses the stoning of St Stephen. Remote video URL Also featuring this person Film and video Alive in God Timothy Radcliffe OP and Paula Gooder's wide-ranging conversation about his latest book Alive in God, exploring the deep connections between faith, creativity, the imagination and the arts. Find out more Film and video The Case for God: Timothy Radcliffe OP speaks at St Paul's Cathedral Timothy Radcliffe asks ‘what’s the point of being a Christian?’ He makes the case, saying its characteristics are a transforming generosity, freedom and joy, both for individuals and the world. Find out more