Premieres online on Tuesday 6th December, 7.00-7.45pm
Lucy Winkett and Paula Gooder explore the pleasures, difficulties, and meanings of Christmas in good times and in bad. From Mary to the song of the Angels, to favourite carols and how hard it can be when the world seems to be celebrating without you, they explore the great and beautiful truth at the heart of it all: that God is with us.
The Revd Lucy Winkett is Rector of St James’s Piccadilly, and a writer, musician and broadcaster who is a regular contributor to Radio 4’s Thought for the Day. Her latest book is Reading the Bible with Your Feet.
Dr Paula Gooder is Canon Chancellor of St Paul’s Cathedral and a leading Biblical Scholar and writer. Her latest book is Lydia: A Story, following on from her best-selling Phoebe.
The event is free, but if you are able to make a donation to the continuing learning programme at St Paul’s Cathedral when you register for the event we would be very grateful.
We are very grateful to Benefact Trust for their generous support of this programme.