Gillian Bowen and the Reverend Neil Evans appointed to Cathedral Chapter
Gillian Bowen and the Reverend Neil Evans appointed to Cathedral Chapter
The Reverend Prebendary Neil Evans has been appointed by The Queen as Residentiary Canon and Steward at St Paul's. At the end of April Neil began a secondment to St Paul's for an interim period from his post as Director of Ministry for the Diocese of London, and his appointment means that he will become a full member of Chapter once he is installed, until he retires in 2023.
Ms Gillian Bowen JP MBA MA has been appointed by the Bishop as an additional member of Chapter, bringing her experience and expertise to the Chapter in this important non-executive role. As a non-executive Canon, Gillian will advise the Cathedral in a voluntary capacity, alongside other non-executive members of Chapter including Lay Canons Pim Baxter, Sheila Nicoll and Clement Hutton-Mills, and Canon Non-residentiary The Venerable Sheila Watson. Gillian is the Chief Executive Officer of YMCA London City and North: she has a background of extensive engagement in the charity sector including managing a major rebuilding project and supporting vulnerable young people, as well as acting as a magistrate in the community, and Chapter welcomes all that she will bring to assist the work of St Paul's.

The Dean of St Paul's, The Very Revd Dr David Ison, says:
'We are very glad to be joined by these two new members of Chapter, who bring considerable varied and relevant experience to the Cathedral in supporting its work and mission during a time of challenges and transition. Each has done significant work in their own fields, and their contributions will strengthen Chapter in exercising its responsibility for the life and work of St Paul's.'