
St Paul’s offers two confirmation services each year for those who attend churches within the Diocese of London
Confirmation is one important way in which Christians affirm their faith.
In the Church of England, confirmation is always administered by a bishop, before whom candidates renew their baptismal vows and declare their commitment to life in the Church. At confirmation, the Bishop will invoke the Holy Spirit upon each candidate.
For those who have been initiated into the Church through baptism as young children, confirmation provides an opportunity to own this decision for themselves. If you wish to be confirmed but have not already been initiated into the Church, you can be baptised by the Bishop within the confirmation service itself.
How do I get confirmed at St Paul’s?
The next confirmation service is on Saturday 19th April 2025.
Prior to your confirmation, we ask that you complete and return the confirmation enquiry forms below, which we provide in PDF and Doc format.
You also need to ensure the support of your parish priest, who will present you at the service and may need to provide proof of baptism, for example, your certificate. We provide a guidance document for clergy below.
Candidates under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times whilst in the Cathedral.
Please email your completed form to: