Members of Chapter
Meet the Dean and members of the Chapter, who provide strategic leadership of the Cathedral.
The Chapter is the main governing body of the Cathedral and has a wide remit of responsibility, operating as a Board of Trustees to the Charity. Below you can read about the experience and individual focus of its members.
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The Very Reverend Andrew Tremlett
Dean and Chair of Chapter
The Dean leads the Cathedral assisted by the Residentiary and Lay Canons, enabling Chapter to come to a common mind and implement the agreed vision for St Paul's. The Very Reverend Andrew Tremlett was appointed Dean of St Paul's in September 2022 and oversees a growing schedule of services and special events. Andrew was previously the Dean of Durham, and the Rector of St Margaret's Church at Westminster Abbey. Earlier in his career, Andrew served as a Curate in and then Chaplain to the Mission to Seafarers, and Assistant Chaplain to the Anglican Church in Rotterdam. He went on to serve in posts in the Dioceses of Portsmouth and Chichester, as well as Canon Residentiary and Keeper of the Fabric at Bristol Cathedral where he was Acting Dean.
Canon Sheila Nicoll
Senior Non-Executive Chapter Member and Lay Canon
Sheila joined Chapter in 2018 and is the Chair of the Finance Committee. In 2023 she was appointed by the Bishop of London as the Senior Non-Executive Member of Chapter. Sheila is the former Head of Public Policy at Schroders, and is also an Elder at St Columba’s Church of Scotland in London. She is also a member of the Archbishop of Canterbury’s Task Group on Responsible Credit and Savings, and is a Trustee of the Just Finance Foundation, which oversees the core programmes initiated by that Group. She was a founding director and Secretary of Churches Mutual Credit Union, an ecumenical initiative of British churches to provide responsible financial services until January 2022. She was awarded an OBE for services to finance in 2017.

Canon Dr Paula Gooder
Canon Chancellor
The Chancellor has responsibility for growing and leading the Cathedral’s expanding theological and learning programme, which is a major part of the Christian mission and outreach of the Cathedral. Paula is one of today’s best known New Testament theologians, a scholar and teacher and is a Licensed Lay Reader in the Church of England. She was previously Director of Mission Learning and Development at the Diocese of Birmingham and Theologian in Residence at the Bible Society.
Paula has also written a number of books including Journey to the Empty Tomb, Body: Biblical Spirituality for the Whole Person, Heaven and Phoebe: A Story. Her book, Lydia: A Story, was awarded Book of the Year by Christian Resources Together in 2023.
Canon Clement Hutton-Mills
Non-Executive Chapter Member and Lay Canon
Clem joined Chapter in 2021, and is Chair of the Cathedral Enterprises Ltd. He is a Managing Director at Goldman Sachs and brings significant experience in finance, fundraising and governance to the Cathedral. Clem is also a Lay Reader in the Church of England attached to St Mary's Church in Primrose Hill. He graduated from the University of Oxford.

Canon Gillian Bowen
Non-Executive Chapter Member and Lay Canon
Gillian joined Chapter in 2022 and is Chair of the Cathedral’s Nominations Committee. She is Chief Executive Officer of YMCA London City and North, with 25 years of extensive engagement in the charity sector supporting vulnerable young people including leading major building projects. Gillian is an Adult and Youth Court Magistrate and holds other non-executive board positions. She is a proud dual national of both the UK and Grenada and worships at St Benedict's RC Church in West London. Gillian was awarded an Honorary Doctorate from University of Westminster.
Canon Peter Aiers
Non-Executive Chapter Member and Lay Canon
Peter joined Chapter in 2023, and is CEO of the Charterhouse, and previously CEO at the Churches Conservation Trust. He developed his career in heritage conservation with roles at English Heritage and the Diocese of London, before taking a series of promotions through the Churches Conservation Trust. Peter holds a number of trusteeships.

Canon Morag Ellis KC
Non-Executive Chapter Member, Lay Minister and Lay Canon
Morag joined Chapter in 2023 and is Dean of the Arches and KC Church Commissioner, with a long legal career in ecclesiastical law, planning and environmental law. Morag, who was called to the Bar in 1984, took Silk in 2006. She is a licensed Lay Minister in the Diocese of Chelmsford.
Canon Alison Gowman
Non-Executive Chapter Member and Lay Canon
Alison joined Chapter in 2023 and is an Alderman of the City of London; active in the Corporation since 1991. She developed her professional career in commercial real estate, and was a partner at DLA Piper. Alison has extensive board experience, including for visitor attractions and the City Bridge Foundation (which she chaired 2016-2019). She is a champion for Net Zero and EDI.

Canon Mervyn McCullagh
Non-Executive Chapter Member and Lay Canon
Mervyn joined Chapter in 2023, and is currently Director of Strategy and Global Change at Christian Aid. He previously held strategy, leadership and communications roles in the Presbyterian Church of Ireland, Irish Council of Churches and the Methodist Church of Britain and Ireland, with overseas experience in Sri Lanka and Indonesia.
The Reverend Canon Dr Catherine Okoronkwo
Canon Steward
The Canon Steward is responsible for the stewardship of people and resources within the mission and ministry of the Cathedral, and is Safeguarding Lead. Catherine was formerly Bishop’s Advisor on Racial Justice and Vicar of All Saints and St Barnabas, Swindon, in the Diocese of Bristol. In her role, she worked closely with the Bishop of Bristol to address the Church’s past relationship with the slave trade, challenge racism within the Church, and support and develop Black and minority ethnic clergy.
Having grown up in the Middle East, Catherine studied in the US and UK before working as an English teacher for almost a decade. She has published numerous works of fiction and academic works, in which she explores the experiences of Black African and Black British women and their relationship with the Church and society.

The Reverend Canon Philip Banks
Canon Precentor
The Precentor has responsibility for Liturgy, Music and special events within the Cathedral. Philip is Chair of the National Precentors’ Network and joined St Paul’s from St Edmundsbury Cathedral in Suffolk where he was Residentiary Canon and Precentor for over 12 years. During his time at the Cathedral, he led and oversaw the establishment of girl choristers, a graduate and postgraduate organ scholar programme and the Cathedral’s ‘Singing in Schools’ initiative. Coupled with this, he helped arrange a weekly all-ages service.
Prior to this role, Philip served as Bishop's Chaplain and Press Officer in Essex. He has been ordained for 30 years, serving in a variety of parochial roles and as Area Dean. Before ordination Philip had a career as a Chartered Surveyor.