What's on at St Paul's
What's on at St Paul's
Our calendar contains all events, services and activities happening at St Paul's – except some of our daily tours and talks, which can be booked on the day.
Explore our calendar below by using the scroll buttons on the right-hand side. Alternatively, further down this page you will find a list of highlights from our calendar and a link to search our events by theme, type of ticket and date. If you have questions about an event, you can view our Ticket Terms and Conditions or find our contact details on our Contact Us page.
'Luminous' by Luxmuralis
Transforming the interior of this iconic London landmark, 'Luminous' offers a breathtaking fusion of art, sound, and architecture. Prepare to see St Paul’s in a whole new light.
Find events by date and type
Looking for a specific service or events? Want to see all our adult learning events in one place? Search our events and filter them by date and type to see what's happening at St Paul's.
Explore St Paul's
Book sightseeing tickets
We have a number of sightseeing tickets available, with discounts for children, students, seniors over 65, and families.
Planning your visit
Find out everything you need to know to get the most out of your visit to St Paul’s, including opening times, ticket types and prices and what's on offer.