Access the Collections
Accessing the Collections
Find out how to gain access to our Archives, Library and Objects collection, and about image reproduction requests.
We encourage engagement with our Collections, and are happy to receive requests from researchers, filmmakers, family historians, and anyone else passionate about history and art. Where possible, the Archives, Library and Objects collections are open to public access.
Accessing the Archives
Our Archives are held at two different locations – at the Cathedral and at The London Archives.
Cathedral Archives
Opening times: Monday to Wednesday, 10am-4pm (by pre-booked appointment only).
To book an appointment and for all other enquiries please contact the Archivist.
For more information about the Cathedral Archives collections, please see the archives catalogue.
The London Archives
40 Northampton Road
020 7332 3820
Details of Cathedral records held at The London Archives can be found on their online catalogue under the reference number CLC/313. All arrangements to view material must be made directly with The London Archives. For further details, please visit The London Archives website.

Accessing the Library collections
The Library houses the collection of printed books and a small number of medieval and early-modern manuscripts. 10,000 titles are listed in our printed books catalogue, although please note that this catalogue is a work in progress.
The Library is open to readers by appointment, 10am-4pm, Tuesday to Thursday. For enquiries relating to the Library materials, including individual reader visits, please contact the Librarian.
To visit the room with a guide, please book a triforium tour in addition to your sightseeing ticket.

Accessing the Object collections
For all access enquiries relating to the Objects collections, please contact the Head of Collections.

Image reproduction
Images for personal research
- Researchers are welcome to take photographs for personal research purposes, at staff discretion, free of charge
- Requests for digital images via email are also welcomed. Please contact the Collections department for more information.
Images for commercial reproduction
Subject to copyright restrictions, images from our Collections can be provided for commercial reproduction including:
- books
- theses
- academic articles
- exhibitions
- online use
- television and film.
For further information, including making a permission request and finding out details of costs, please contact the Head of Collections.